Sleepy Hollow Woods Civic Association
Sleepy Hollow Woods Civic Association (SHWCA)
Become a Sleepy Hollow Woods Civic Association Member
Membership benefits include:
The Lamplighter Bulletin mailed to you 4 times a year.
The SHWCA Annual Spring Picnic.
Our Directory, with periodic updates.
Maintenance of the community entrances.
Support of our Neighborhood Watch Program.
Memberships in various councils which gives SHWCA representation in various local and county issues.
Email notification of our general membership meetings and other community events.
In addition to the direct benefits listed above, membership dues over the years have contributed to the preservation and enhancement of the community, as well as the value of your own home.
All this for $30 annually
Here's how to join:
– Download and print a copy of the SHWCA Membership application.
– Print and mail the SHWCA Membership application with a check made out to SHWCA, P.O. Box 384, Annandale, VA 22003. If you mail in, we must receive it by October 15th! Make check payable to SHWCA. ($30.00 Annual Membership Fee for September thru August)
In order to get on the Sleepy Hollow Woods ListServ, please click on the "Contact Us" tab, fill out the form including address and put SleepyNet in the subject line.